Fighting with grace

Someone recently told me I was a fighter. When I hear stuff like that, I’m never sure how to respond. I’d like for you to think of me as a fighter. Well, not necessarily a fighter, but competent, proficient, worthy. Your opinion of me matters more than I care to admit.

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Finish the work

It was unintentional. I thought I would be on the sidelines. After all, it was a kids' race. Actually, a mud run. Precisely, the Dirty Myrtle Mud Run. I had signed Page and Graham up for the kids 1-mile event.

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Lost lessons

Graham asks about a zillion questions every day. Many of those are about geography. Is it nighttime in China? Is that in a different country than we live? He wants to know about communication, too. How do birds understand one another if they aren’t saying any words?

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It takes a village

You can’t keep a good plan down.

This past April, the people of Abiding Village took a giant leap of faith and went on a three-week fundraising whirlwind to raise $10 million. Yes, you read that right - $10 million in the span of three week’s time.

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Come to the water

I can’t seem to get my mind off the idea of leadership. If you’ve been reading The Whole Report these past few weeks, you know that. I’ve been pondering leading and how motherhood and homeschooling and writing and business all require it. In particiular, I told you this past week about Jon Acuff’s newest book, Start. It’s his encouragement to those of us who have a dream, but yet haven’t fully launched any action to make it come true.

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Just start it

There’s always something on my mind. Some of the things cluttering and clinking around in there are projects. Many of those are real and tangible projects like painting the dining room or deep cleaning the den. And while I know absolutely nothing about gardening, I keep thinking I’d like to plant some produce.

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Living in the light

I am well-protected while I work. Graham has made sure of that. From where I sit, I can see a Star Wars light saber. I also have a Marvel Heroes coaster for my coffee cup. And let’s be honest, you never know when you need Hans Solo or The Hulk to help you out.

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She has fallen

Beth Pensinger is infatuated with love stories. She’s watched all the movies and read all the books.

“I’ve always been obsessed with romance,” she said.

That obsession kicked into high gear with the Twilight books and films.

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Church feeds freely

The first time Francis Alford heard about a community garden project was on a Sunday morning. The words came from the pulpit.

Alford said his pastor, the Rev. Scott Johnson, mentioned the idea to the Union United Methodist Church congregation at the end of a sermon a few months ago. As Johnson pitched the project, he also asks for volunteers to put some action behind the vision.

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